After many years of talking about it, we’ve finally launched the Rochdale Former Players Association. Membership is free to anyone who has played at least one first team game for the club.
The aim of the Rochdale FPA is to reunite those who have worn the Dale shirt over the years, with the intentions of hosting two or three events each season for the benefit of its members.
It is hoped that the first event will take place early in the season when we host a Former Players Day at a home match. More details on this will be available in the next few weeks.
Quite where the Rochdale FPA ends up will be down to its members. It will be run by the Dale Trust for the first twelve months,and then we are hoping a Committee can be formed amongst the Former Players to take it on.
If you have played for the club, and would like to join, please click on the “Register” link above.
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